URL: http://www.sony.com/index.php
>> screenshot for sony official website in flash
>> screenshot for sony official website in HTML
Sony is a internation company which involve in many industry such as electronics, games, music, movies. So it is quite a challaging when come to design a main official coperate website. There will be a lot of contents and products information. Let's see how Sony actually solve this design problem by looking at their grid system.
>>grid system for Sony official website
4 colum grid system has been use for links and each colum represent different caterories which is SEE, HEAR, PLAY and SHOP. This is quite different from last time what we seen. (Music, Games, Products etc)
RSS has been implimented for user to check out their latest update/news.
Drop down menu is kind of good solution for Sony as they have a lot of products as it wont comsume a lot of space for the website.
The overall design of the website is clean and tidy so it is quite user friendly. Flash has been use rather then using normal images. The flash is interactive where user can actually select the items there and click for futhere information.
The identity of the Sony which they call it as
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